Thursday, December 31, 2015

Greatness in 2016

Didn't realize how long its been since I've posted in this guy, more frequent updates in the future!!

But without further ado, my End of 2015 Post.

One thing that has been on my kind lately is greatness. The "best of the best." 

People who's work is described as being "Perfection, brilliant, awe-inspiring, pure visceral amazing" (It goes by many names). The ones that people look up to and get inspiration from. These people who seemed to have cracked open this unimaginable plane of existence and have made it into "Greatness Town," the place where all the great people go and hang out and eat the best and fluffiest Cheddar Bay Biscuits.  And I've always wondered...

Why are they there, and I'm here? Why am I so far away from them? Why am I not great? Why do I suck? How come I'm not seated next to them? Among the stars I admire?

As I've been deconstructing this, the answer seems to be a better question: 

Why do you think yourself not great?

Well, not now, but you can be, and will be, if that's what you want.

There is nothing separating us, the greats and the "rest of us". Status is an illusion. So are pedestals that we (and critics) put them on. For some reason we as people love to glamorize these people as idols, and worship them as demigods, people who have some how found a way to transcend time and space to be deemed part of the A-List of life. This isn't to downplay their credibility at all, but for some reason we "the underlings" have forgotten the key reality that for whatever reason, isn't glamorized by People Magazine or Variety or lampooned by irrelevant publications I really don't want to bring myself to mention. 

They are human. Just like you. Just like me.

These people, while great, are full of their own human experiences, and are just as human and flawed and insecure as we are. 

The only real difference is that they've done and experienced the things that we've been wanting to achieve for far longer than we have. Some are predispositioned to have these things come to them more easily. Usually that's the rare case, but even if, with perseverance, that predisposition becomes irrelevant, as the amount of work they put in over time desensitizes any obstacles and negative feelings they have towards their work.

We are all capable of becoming the Tina Fey's, the Daniel Day-Lewis's, the Christopher Nolan's of our own respective crafts, but in order for that to happen, we have to see that. We have to know, to see, our capabilities. Our potential. Our Greatness.

It is in all of is. Innately. Once we know that, the biggest obstacles then become, ironically, ourselves. Our fears, our insecurities, our voices that say can't, should or won't. 

This is where greatness becomes one of the greatest human contradictions: 

In order to achieve something bigger than us, we have to transcend our humanity, by owning our humanity. 

The more we care about something, the more resistance we come up against. Because we are so passionate about it, because we feel that this is our purpose, the reason for our very existence, our resistance against that is monumental.  Our fears try to keep us in the safe, our critics tell us everything they can to keep us in the safety we've known for so long. In short, our egos hold us back from greatness. Once you identify how your ego is holding you back, it can be dealt with.

Given these things, the trick is realizing that your potential for greatness is born out of your relationship the unknown. What you do when you come up against something you fear, will be what defines you. 

This is how people live their lives. When they are dictated by fear, they live in reaction to what life throws at them. They get pushed around, without any purpose or intention, into things that aren't aligned with who they are. They get jobs they don't want. Into relationships they don't want. Lives that feel like they're living another person's life.

If something that we know we are drawn to something purposeful that we are unsure but passionate about, then we are really attached to it. Because it matters so much to us, regardless of what we say. Since we don't know how its going to end up in the future, or how the journey will happen, our anxiety rises. Our future becomes unclear. And we cower at how large our dream is.

But If we realize that this is something that really matters to us, the we know the pursuit of this is all that makes sense, and that we're willing to stand up for that, Then the final element we needto push us into the plane of greatness is this.


Not in the bibilical sense, but faith in self. Trusting in that part of ourselves that says this matters, this is something that has to happen.

Now, I'm not a man of God, but there is this quality I have noticed in the people who have deep faith. They believe in something bigger than themselves, that they are here on this plane to serve something higher than them. They have a purpose. This allows them to tap into a bigger energy, a bigger purposeful self if you will, and validates everything about them. It validates their physicality, their psychology, their love, their passions, right down to every movement they take, and every word they say. It speaks through them. Because they live with Intention, with Purpose. 

This is why our mindset and perceptions of our world are so important. You can call it intention, the universe or god, or whatever, but regardless of our spirituality, one thing is absolutely fact:

The way you see yourself relative to the world will reflect the amount of greatness you will achieve in your lifetime.

The more faith you have in yourself and your worth and your talents, trust in yourself, and remove any blocks that you have to yourself, you allow your greatness to shine through. All of it. Where it comes from isn't the point, allowing it to flow freely out of you, unleashed onto this plane of existence, is.

Maybe your greatness isn't polished right now, and you misstep, and you fail, but because you have seen and disconnected from the critics and the judges the past and the ego within yourself which holds it back, the growth of it becomes exponential. Unbridled. Electric. Visceral. You self correct quicker, you see things more clearly, you absorb more totally, you understand more fully. You grow.

And when you allow your greatness to shine, when you let it do its thing, People can feel it. All around you. "He's on fire!" "She's killing it" "There's something about him..." they'll say. It is something that is flowing out of you and spilling onto this plane of existence and infecting everyone around you with inspiration and wonderment. This is what inspires others. What brings people out of their funks. Their depression. Their self hatred. Because you've seen what you're capable of in this life, it helps them see what they're capable in this life.

This is what greatness feels like.

And once you live in that mindset, that energy for a long time, as with anything, it begins to become unconsciously inherent. It becomes you. And because it comes from the deepest parts of yourself, it is you. This is what wholeness feels like, completeness, a sense of total and complete self. This is greatness.

So. For 2016, and the rest of your life, get out of your pathway to greatness. Let it shine through you and do the thing it needs to do. 

The map is already there inside you, you just have to look inside and see it for yourself. And once you start doing that, your seat next to your heroes will materialize. You just have to claim it for yourself. Just like those Cheddar Bay Biscuits.


Monday, September 8, 2014

Why I Came Out Here

Recently, after having a rough day and not being able to focus at all on my work, my supervisor at my work, who was a former actor himself, posed this question to me.

"Why did you come out here?"

And It really didn't hit me then, until last night, everything hit me at once. I opened a Word Doc and started writing, and suddenly it all because clear. Everything. All of it. The reason I'm out here, everything.

This is what I wrote, and I'd like to share it with you. So...

Why did I come out here?

To make a career in acting, to make my craft be heard, to make myself be the best person and best actor Hollywood has ever seen. I know I can do it, I really do. I'm here now, I know that now, I know what I need to do. I know that there are going to be hardships, and that money will be tight, but I know I will pull through, because I am going to make it.

There are many realities I need to accept though. Many. How hard it is for me to memorize, to make choices, to step outside of the box, to believe in myself, to be confident with my choices, to be heard, and to take the lead, to be NOT me, to be a character, to make things happen. These are all things im working on. I know this. These are fairly obvious to me now. I just need to concentrate on them, and realize that this is not going to be comfortable. NONE of this is going to be comfortable. This is all going to be a shit storm of discomfort. And its going to hurt, and hurt A LOT. I have to accept that if that’s what I want to do out here.

I need to take responsibility. For my actions and my Inaction. There’s no excuse for me not taking control of the things that I can control. I can procrastinate on the Internet all day but in the end, im not going to move forward. I’m not. Its going to take me so very long, very very long to get where im going to be and want to be.

Tom Hardy, Heath Ledger, Christopher Nolan, Hugh Jackman, Gary Oldman, these are my heroes. How they've shaped themselves as performers, and creative types. These people have the things I want to work up to. A career. A life. A love of art and craft. The love of making movies.
Hardy, Jackman, and Heath all started in Theatre. I started on Indie films. Its similar, but maybe theatre isn't my path. I feel that indie films are my way. That indie is the way to go for me. The togetherness, the hard work and need to get things done, I love that environment, I FREAKING LOVE that. Being on set, being near the doing, and actively making things, that's my love. Making creating and being a part of something more. Those are the things that make me tick. And I need more of that. More of the making of movies. I love working at that stuff. Its my drug. It gives me life. It gives me purpose. Making Movies. Creating films. That is the funest thing I’ve done in my life. Helping friends make their passion projects, creating and forming bonds with cast and crew. That is my life's work. Making memories and sweet love to projects that mean something to me. I know my job, and I know it well. There are hang ups I have for sure, but I'm willing to push through them in order to make things happen.

When I was in class, I really feel like I was doing my life's work, holy SHIT. That was the thing I wanted to do and love. I felt alive and in the moment, experiencing the experience in which I needed to experience. THAT is my life's calling, to volley back and forth a scene that is electric, that is volatile and exposed and raw. One that is part of me, and part of the universe, all out there for the world to see, to witness, to take in, to breathe, to observe, to laugh, to love, to cry, to experience. That is my life’s purpose.

Watch More Movies. Make it your obsession, your passion. If you want this, you’re going to have to work at it. Obsess over what you want to do. There’s nothing like obsessing over your passion. If this is what you want to do, then do it. Its going to happen, it just needs to be done.

These are very doable things. All it take is dedication, perseverance, belief, and faith that things will work out. And happiness. You have to be happy with the things that you are doing. There isn’t a reason not to be happy.

Happiness needs to be a goal. Absolutely. If you’re not happy doing what you’re doing or what you’re pursuing, then drop it. What’s the point to explore something you have no interest in? You need to pick up something that will destroy you with its intrigue, and make you obsess over how it works and how it comes into the world. All its little intricate details. That is your life. That is your life’s passion. You will make movies that matter, and ones that people will see to be changed. That is your passion. You must do this, for if you don’t it is all a waste. That is whats going to have to happen next. Execute the Plan, as you need to get out here, and do what you wanted to do in the first place. Make things happen. You can, you must, you will.

Make them laugh, cry, and suffer and smile. Make them rethink their existence. Make them happy they saw you. Make them so utterly sick of you they want more. Make them discuss your flaws, your mistakes, your short comings. That’s just the way of the world. And it’s a world you love. That you work in such a medium where its influence can be seen from the stars above.

I am going to give this my all for 5 years. 5 years to make a dent.  To be on my way to make things happen and work. This will take some time, but if I'm dedicated enough, and make things happen, its not going to not happen. 
"It takes 20 years to become an overnight success."
- Eddie Cantor

Its going to take me 5 Years to get all the suck out, and find all those ways that don’t work. I'm going to do this. I am. I really really am. After that, we'll see where I am.

Im not sure where all this stuff came from, but holly hell. This is it this is my mindset that I’ve forgotten. And im so happy to have found you again. That you for tell me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you for reminding me why I’m here.

I musn’t let the fire die. The fire has to keep burning and burning away.


So here's to pursuing the dream, and to obsess over a life long passion. Cheers to everyone who's doing the same, and God Speed.


Friday, August 1, 2014

Holy Crap. I'm Out Here.

It has officially been nearly one and a half years since I packed up everything in Albuquerque New Mexico and moved out to sunny Los Angeles, CA in February 2013, and so far, this journeys' been… 

Well, there isn’t one specific word to describe it. I could try, but there’s just too many words going through my head to try to pinpoint and use just one, but I will say one thing. Its made me think. And rethink. And rethink again. And, rethink, yet again. (Let me know if you start seeing a pattern…) 

It’s taken a while to do all the essentials: finding the place, the job, the classes, but I'm finally feeling (a little more) settled into this damn town, and I've finally met many people along the way who have helped, inspired, and shown me that this place isn’t all that bad. And I'm starting to enjoy myself here. Weird to say, seriously.

Everyone has their opinions of LA, the people, the traffic (more like PARKING... fml.) and, of course, The Industry

Getting used to this new life of "pursuing the dream" as it is, is really odd. Since this is the place of "unlimited potential", I've found it really easy to get here and think "I need to be proactive, i need to find the class, the agent, the manager, the casting director workshop, the showcase, the singing/acting/dancing/career/life coach that will shoot me to the top."

Holy shit. 

Yea, and truth be told, you can find all that here. Its odd to drive by Lee Strasburg's Theatre while going to work, or hang out at iO West and see faces you swear you've seen on TV and movies. 

Yea. All stuff is out here. Everyone is out here to make it. and there are a lot of people, obstacles, and things that are going to get in the way of "pursuing your dreams". But you know what the thing that I've learned out here that has affected me most?

Get over it. ALL of it. Get over the fact you saw that guy from that show that people talk about. Get over the fact that if you don't get that scene right in class you are a fraud/hack/horriblehumanbeingcapableofartisticgenocide. Get over the fact that there are other people out here that have everything figured out about their careers (we never do) and have the perfect job and the best agent who ALWAYS sends them out for the BEST ROLES.

Seriously, please do. 

Because when you do, there's a weight that is lifted off of you, and you begin to see things as they are: just Things, and People, and Choices. We put so much emphasis and weight on these things that they start to consume us, we obsess, and it starts to take a toll on our lives our relationships and our sanity, which are all things that obviously must be maintained out here. And paradoxically the more obessive we get at trying to get our work right, trying to make it absolutely perfect, to get recognition/an agent/a manager/MAKE IT, the less quality your work becomes, because it hazes the creative process, distrupts the natural flow of our work, and makes us forget why we wanted to do this in the first place: to have fun. To affect people. To make people laugh, feel, and see things differently.

How to overcome that? I'm still figuring that out, and I hope by starting up this blog it helps me (and who knows, maybe even you?!) figure out how this whole career thing works.

Man, this is going to be a bumpy ride but lets see if the ride is what i want.

Let's ride.